The Sword and Trumpet monthly magazine is a faith ministry directed by a board representing various constituencies of Conservative Anabaptism. It is committed to defending, proclaiming, and promoting the whole Gospel of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It emphasizes neglected truth and contends for "the faith which was once delivered to the saints." This publication exposes and opposes doctrinal error which compromises that faith and leads to apostasy.
devoted to the promotion and defense of the whole Gospel, with special emphasis upon neglected truth, and to an active opposition to the various forms of error that contribute to apostasy from the Biblical faith.
The Founder's Statement, 1929
"The Sword and Trumpet" steps forth from the dimness of non-entity into the dust-laden air of the arena of religious conflict in the spirit of a Christian soldier, the weapons of whose warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. It is born, we believe, of pure motives, and of the conscientious convictions that there is a need and call for a Mennonite paper specializing against the religious drift in general and the evils which promote it in particular. It is intended to supplement every other loyal paper in the Church and to supplant none. It desires to co-operate with every movement and institution in the Church in the interests of true orthodoxy, but will join hands with none in loose or compromising measures.
We solicit the support of all the faithful by prayers, advice, useful information and help widening the circulation. Churches drift largely because the loyal leadership fails to warn and enlighten and discipline in time. Loyal-hearted preachers fail in this largely because it seems to be in violation of modern ethics and highest standards of culture to speak against other people or other people's religious principles, and a northeast storm of displeasure and protest is almost sure to be raised by well meaning persons if a preacher dares to deal with errors in persons and principles as the Scriptures require. They also discard the severity commanded in the Bible for the maintenance of truth and purity and adopt the easy standards of the world will find that they have made a covenant with the powers of darkness and have formed a partnership with corrupters of the Church.
— George R. Brunk I
Board of Directors
Nolan Martin, Chairman
Lawrence Garman, Vice Chairman
Julian Stoltzfus, Secretary/Treasurer
Levi L. Brubaker
Paul M. Emerson
Delbert Kemp
Edgar Kinsinger
John Petersheim
Anthony Sanchez
Jeremiah Fox
Raymond P. Brunk, Honorary
David L. Burkholder, Honorary
James Hess, Honorary
Editor in Chief: Paul M. Emerson
Assistant Editor: Julian Stoltzfus
Assistant to the Editor: Nada Cook
Person of the Month: Daniel Zimmerman
Sunday School Lessons: Edgar Kinsinger
Newslines: Hans Mast
Theological Touchpoints: Julian Stoltzfus
Church News: Jerry Fox
Song of the Month: Dan Miller
Book Review: Rosalind Byler
Cover Design: Julian Stoltzfus
Circulation: Rhoda Weaver
Podcast: Julian Stoltzfus