Someone has said that wherever there is a problem in human relations, there is an “authority” problem. In the opinion of this writer, it seems that this is very true.…

Someone has said that wherever there is a problem in human relations, there is an “authority” problem. In the opinion of this writer, it seems that this is very true.…
Many of us have attempted to separate our understanding of the Word of God into two categories. In the first category are the very most important teachings such as Salvation,…
A recent news report in an Anabaptist publication reported that a Mennonite educator had left a Mennonite institution to take a similar post in an American Baptist institution. The news…
The execution of Timothy McVeigh, June 11, 2001, created a “stir” of debate and discussion around the world which revealed how fickle and foolish most of the people seem to…
Today we live in a sex-crazed society. From the clothing and entertainment industries, all the way to the education sector, sex permeates our senses at every turn. As the western…