Note: This essay was submitted as part of the homework for the Biblical Ethics class at Elnora Bible Institute. Used by permission. Infertility is one of the most painful things…

Note: This essay was submitted as part of the homework for the Biblical Ethics class at Elnora Bible Institute. Used by permission. Infertility is one of the most painful things…
Note: this editorial, which was promised in the August 2016 editor’s desk column, is a long overdue debt to the readers. In that column the subject of individual salvation was…
As we come to the close of another calendar year, we face major changes in several areas of life. Hitherto, it has been possible for many Anabaptists to ignore such…
Note: this article was originally published April 4, 2016 on, a blog with weekly posts “Calling young Anabaptists back to The Root.” Used with permission. Click here to read…
It is with grief that we note the discarding of historic Anabaptist distinctives by mainline Mennonites. In a recent comment piece in the Goshen (IN) News, a retired Mennonite pastor…