Our age needs two things which the Book of Daniel can supply. One is moral stabilization. Like Daniel and his stalwart young friends, we live in an ungodly and often an unfriendly world. The worldly atmosphere presses in upon us from all sides. There are many temptations to the lowering of standards and the compromising of principles. We need the stimulation of good example which Daniel and his compatriots give us. We need to see how marvelously God undertakes for those who faithfully devote themselves to a righteous cause. We need to be brought to repentance for our spinelessness, and to be challenges to "dare to be like Daniel." This book is a moral tonic of tremendous effectiveness.
But we also need the enlightenment which a Spirit-revealed outline of history can give us. Daniel, the prophet, gives us a fundamental understanding of the age of the Gentiles, in which we still live. We see the unfolding panorama of great world kingdoms, culminating in the triumphant Kingdom of God. We get here an overall viewpoint concerning trends in world affairs which gives us both discernment and confidence. We are warned to keep free from entanglements with a world system which is doomed for destruction, and we are encouraged to ally ourselves with the Cause which is eternal. In this book we have divine illumination concerning the meaning of world events. We are given spiritual eyes with which to interpret the signs of the times. No commentator on world news can compare with Daniel. The student who reads him has the fundamental outline into which to fit his facts. This is of supreme importance in our chaotic age.
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